Das landhaus am Rhein. English Page 12
In the morning Eric put on his uniform, for so Clodwig had advised withcautious reference to a former experience. A horse had been placed athis disposal, and his portmanteau was to be sent after him.
Clodwig's contracted brow grew smooth as the handsome, noble-lookingyoung man entered the parlor in his becoming uniform. After greetinghim, he pointed to Eric's arm, saying:--
"Take off the crape before you go."
Eric looked at him surprised, and Clodwig explained himself.
"You are not to be sentimental, and you must agree with me that it isnot well to enter, for the first time, a stranger's house, wearing abadge of mourning. People often desire a sympathy which they cannotexpect to receive. You will be less disturbed in the end, if youimpress it upon yourself at first that you are entering service, andmoreover are to serve an extremely rich man, who would like to keepeverything unpleasant out of sight. The more you keep to yourself yourown personal feelings, the more free will you be."
Clodwig smiling quoted from Lucian's "Sale of the Philosophic Sects,"where the Stoic as a slave cries out, "Even if I am sold, I am stillfree within myself!"
Eric good-humoredly took the crape from his sleeve.
Bella had excused herself from appearing at breakfast, and sent Eric amessage of farewell till their next meeting.
The two men were now alone. Clodwig gave Eric a letter for HerrSonnenkamp, but begged him not to make any positive engagement until hehad seen him again, adding almost inaudibly, "Perhaps I shall keep youfor myself."
As a mother crams all the pockets of her son going away from home, soClodwig sought to give his young friend all sorts of instructions.
"I have but slight acquaintance with the boy," said he; "I only knowthat he is very handsome. Do you not agree with me that it is a greatmistake to give a young soul the foundation principles which are todetermine his life-course, before this young soul has collected thematerial of life or knows his own tendencies?"
"Certainly," replied Eric; "it is like building railroads inuncultivated or half-civilized countries, before roads have madepossible the interchange of agricultural and manufactured products. Theroot of the disease of modern humanity, as my father often said, liesin the habit of teaching children dogmatically the laws which governthe universe; it is a superfluous labor based on ostentation, which isunfruitful, because it leaps over the first steps."
Clodwig nodded several times. This man might be trusted to sail outinto the open sea; he would always have a compass with him.
The time of departure came; Clodwig said,--
"I will go a little way with you."
Eric took his horse by the bridle, and they walked on side by side. Theold man often fixed an anxious, affectionate look upon his youngfriend. He repeated that he considered it a highly honorable task totrain the young American for a useful life; then he advised him againto keep this one object in view, and to turn resolutely from all gossipconcerning Herr Sonnenkamp, who had certainly left many rumorsuncontradicted, either because he was too upright to trouble himselfabout them, or because he preferred to have some facts of his historyhidden by false reports. It was undoubtedly singular, that though hewas a German by birth, not a single relative had ever been seen at hishouse; probably, however, he was of low origin, and helped hisrelatives on condition that they should have no intercourse with him;Major Grassler had hinted at something of that kind.
"One thing more," said Clodwig, standing still, "say nothing to HerrSonnenkamp of your having for a short time devoted yourself to thesupervision of criminals. I would cast no slur upon him, but many menhave an aversion to persons of such a calling."
Eric thanked him, seeing clearly his earnest desire to smooth the pathbefore him. They went on in silence until Clodwig said, "Here I willturn back, and let me give you one warning."
"A warning?"
"Perhaps that isn't the right word; I only want to say to you, make upyour mind to pass in the world for an enthusiast. A man who seeksanything in life except profit, pleasure, and honor, appears anenthusiast to many people who have no sympathy with such apredilection; the world cannot be just to such men, it must condemnthem, because it sees its own strivings condemned by them. You willhave to bear a martyrdom all your life long, if you remain true,--and Ibelieve you will; bear it with a proud self-respect, and remember thata new, old friend understands you, and lives your life with you."
Suddenly the old man laid his hands on Eric's shoulders, kissed him,and walked hastily away, without once turning.
Eric mounted and rode on; as he turned the corner of the wood, helooked back and saw Clodwig standing still. Bella had watched the pairfrom the balcony, which commanded a view of their whole course; now shewent to meet her husband, and was not a little surprised to observe inhis face an emotion which she had never seen there before; he seemed tohave been weeping.
"You were right," said Clodwig hastily, "it is better for us to remainby ourselves. But I rejoice in this new generation which differs fromours; it wavers no longer between the two poles of enthusiasm anddespair; it has, if I may so express it, a sort of intellectualinspiration, and I believe it will bring more to pass than we have. Iam glad that I am not too old to understand these young people borninto an age of railroads. I admire and love this present age; neverbefore has every man in every calling known so definitely what hewishes and ought to do, both in science and practical life."
Bella thought she must make some, reply, and said that young Sonnenkampwould be fortunate to have such a guide.
"It pains me that he must enter that house."
"Yet you have recommended him."
"Yes, that's it exactly. One is punished sooner or later forundertaking anything with half-sincerity or against his realconvictions. I have brought myself into closer relations with this HerrSonnenkamp, without really wishing it. In his house I always have afeeling as if I were in a family where horse-flesh is eaten. But, goodheavens! it may be prejudice, custom; horse-flesh is also one kind ofmeat. But now I am free from, anxiety for the excellent young man."
Clodwig seemed unable to cease talking of Eric; and as he recalled whathad passed, he was astonished at all that he had learned from him in soshort a time; pointing to an apple-tree in blossom, he exclaimed: "Lookat that tree in bloom, which when shaken covers every one withblossoms, and yet its richness is unimpaired. Such is this Dournay."
Bella replied, that it must be a hard task for a man who was so spokenand thought of to live up to the standard expected of him.
"May not such pleasure in imparting," she asked doubtfully, "be anexaggerated self-esteem or pure vanity?"
"O no! this young man does not wish to make a show; he only wishes thatno moment of existence may be utterly wasted. He lets his active spiritwork, and he must take satisfaction in the notice and sympathy ofothers; without this satisfaction, the pleasure of imparting would beimpossible. That is the faith which removes mountains of prejudice."
"Faith?" said Bella, smiling beforehand at her own nice distinction,"it seems to me rather like the permanent embalming of a want offaith." He very zealously endeavored to show how this was, rather, thedifficult and painful transmission of one's life.
He spoke long and eagerly. Bella appeared to listen, but hardly heardwhat he said; she smiled to herself at the old diplomatist, who hadsomething incomprehensibly child-like, almost childish, about him. Shethrew her head back proudly, conscious of her inflexible virtue, whichwas strongly armed even against her husband, who wished to bring herinto constant intercourse with a young man so richly endowed.
In the mean time Eric had ridden on through the wood, filled with freshanimation by the happy chance which had befallen him. He took a firmhold of his horse's bridle, full of that confident spirit to whichevery undertaking seems sure of success, or, at least, of only shortand temporary failure. He congratulated himself on the good fortunethat had hel
ped him to win so easily and entirely a man of refinedcharacter, who was evidently somewhat cautiously reserved towards mostmen.
He had left his past life on the mountain behind him, and a new one wasbeginning. Smiling, he thought, The heroes of old must have felt in mymood, when they knew that they were under the protection of one of thegods of Olympus.
At a turn in the wood he stopped, and, taking Clodwig's unsealed letterfrom his pocket, read as follows:
"A neighbor's greeting to Herr Sonnenkamp, at Villa Eden.
"Had Fate granted me a son, I should consider it as a completion of thegreat blessing, to be able to give him this man as a tutor.
Eric set spurs to his horse, and rode gaily on through the wood, wherebirds were singing amid the fresh young leaves. As he passed throughthe village, he saw at the window of the Rath-haus, behind bloomingwall-flowers, a rosy, fair-haired maiden, who drew back quickly as hebowed to her. He would have liked to turn his head to see whether shewas looking after him, but he did not venture to do so.
After a little while, it occurred to him that he was very vain tobelieve that this lingering behind the flowers concerned him at all;Lina had undoubtedly expected to see Baron von Pranken, when she heardhis horse approaching.
Eric was now riding along the river-bank in the valley. He was so fullof cheerfulness, that songs rose to his lips as they had not done for along time; he did not give them voice, but sang them in his soul. Thewhole fulness and variety of thought, perception, and feeling werestirring in his heart. As he saw the sun shining on the glass dome ofVilla Eden, it struck him like a lightning flash,--
Why is such a free, delightful existence denied me? why must I labor inthe service of others? Then came the thought. But what should I do withsuch an indolent, selfish life? Then the riddle presented itself, Howis one to educate a wealthy boy?
And so strangely are thoughts associated in the human mind that Ericfelt, not that he could solve this riddle, but that he could understandhow the ancients had represented the idea of enigmatical questioningand the riddle under the form of the Sphinx.
Then again came the inquiry, How can one educate a rich boy, who knowsthat an estate like that, and untold wealth, are to be his, and whosees no need for exertion in the life before him?
Eric had been looking down; now he threw back his head and smiled as hethought, Neither pupil nor tutor is a mere abstract idea; both areliving, variously endowed beings. Such questions can receive no generalanswer, and all riddles are like stormy weather out of doors, that,seen through the dim atmosphere from the shelter of a house, seemsintolerable, but once out in the midst of it, one feels refreshed.
All his puzzling doubts and speculations seemed cleared away, and hefelt ready armed to wrestle with the problem. "Come on, riddle, I amready for you," he said almost aloud, and rode on at a quick trot.
In the midst of his doubts and thoughts a pleasant smile suddenlyspread over his face. He wondered whether he were not under some spell,and all the frolicsome humor of youth came over him as he uttered alouda letter which he would write to his mother.
"You must let yourself be named Frau Adventure, for your son, DoctorAdventure, Captain Hero, in the midst of railway cars and telegraphs,has fallen upon Dream-land, where he is fed upon the sweet-bread ofpraise, and the sugared almonds of protection, by a pair of spirits whowatch over the Holy Grail. He is now seated on a bay horse, and has themagic word sesame of a sage hermit in his pocket, and all things comeat his bidding, and each says, 'Heart, what dost thou desire?' Dearmother, if you want a quiet little island, only say so; I haveinnumerable ones to dispose of.
"And there's a postscript, dear mother. Suppose the millionaire,towards whom I am riding, should be Uncle Adam? That would make thefairy tale complete."
At the thought that this fanciful conjecture might be a probability,Eric stopped short. Then he rode briskly along the broad road, on eachside of which grew great nut-trees, dropping their caterpillar-likeblossoms on the path. The horse trotted on bravely, his black maneflying in the wind as the rider lifted his cap to let the fresh aircool his hot brow.